Entry Essentials

Download Entry Form

Start the process by clicking the button below, and filling out your details. Once you download the entry form you will be able to look at all the categories and judging criteria.

Complete Entry Form

Complete all relevant information and supporting documentation (Word or PDF document).

Upload Your Entries

Upload your form and supporting documents using the secure online portal by completing your company profile and details. Make your entry payment (you can make savings if you enter before the Extended Deadline) and your final submissions will be handed to a judging panel.
Benefits of Entering the UK Company Culture Awards   Entering awards provides your team with the recognition they deserve. Acknowledgement of their hard work brings teams together to strive for a winning title. The entry form is the ideal framework for reviewing your project and gaining clarity for future work, as well as creating an opportunity to judge your own work. Entering is also a fantastic marketing opportunity and demonstrates to your clients and audiences how passionate you are about your work.

Why should you enter?

  • Recognition for your organisation's culture on a national stage.
  • Badge of honour that retains existing talent and impresses new hires.
  • Award recognition attract new like minded clients, who people first.
  • Third-party endorsement from esteemed industry experts.
  • Reward for the team and individuals that nurture and develop your people.
  • Networking opportunities with the best companies in the UK.
  • Feedback from judges for external insight into your work.
Award entry is an integral part of many agencies' growth strategy plans. The entry form is free to download, and the entry process provides clarity on initial objectives in relation to results and gives an opportunity to reflect on your journey, discover a new perspective and identify areas for improvement.

The Rules

All entries must not exceed 1000 words. The word count does not include the company information at the start of the form or the questions already within the form.
Entries should relate to work undertaken between October 2023 – February 2025.
If you're uploading the same entry into another category, you will need to edit your entry form and make sure the correct category is checked. If the correct category is not checked, your entry may be classed as void and therefore not judged.
Entry forms can be designed to your company branding, as long as they contain the appropriate questions/headings in which the judges mark upon.
When creating a title for your entry, please structure your title in the following format: “Agency Name & Client Name – Campaign/Product/Tool/Website Name” or just “Company/Team Name” for company/team awards.
Please ensure you fill out a separate Word/PDF entry form each entry submission. For example, if you submit five different entries, you will need to complete five individual entry forms and upload these separately on each submission.
Entry questions are dependent on your chosen category, so please take care when filling out each entry form. If your entry form does not match your online submission and category selection, your entry may be classed as a duplication error and may not be judged.
Please ensure you read the terms and conditions before submitting an entry.

Entry Fees

Super Early Bird Entry Fee: £185

Entries for the super early bird deadline must be submitted by Thursday, 16th January 2025.

Early Bird Entry Fee: £235

Entries for the early bird deadline must be submitted by Thursday, 6th February 2025.

Final Deadline Fee: £285

Entries for the final deadline must be submitted by Thursday, 20th February 2025.

All entries are subject to VAT if applicable.

Exclusive Multiple Entry Saving – Enter three entries and receive one additional free entry. Submit all four entries in one session and your discount will automatically be applied at checkout.

File Uploads

Individual files must not exceed 2MB. When creating your online profile, ensure your logo is of high quality as this will be used for marketing purposes. Entry forms will only be accepted as a Word document or PDF.

Supporting documents can be provided in Word, PDF, or JPEG format. Zip files and videos cannot be accepted, however, you can include links to online files.


All material will remain confidential to the judges. All judging discussions are confidential and will not be shared or discussed with anyone outside of the judging panel ahead of the ceremony or thereafter. Judges will not share confidential material, judging papers or entries with anyone. Judges will securely delete all judging materials immediately after the judging period or give materials to The Awards Team who will manage this. Judges can only access entries that they have been provided to score.

Winning case studies may be used in post-event materials to promote best practices and permission will be sought from entrants before publishing these.

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I’m so chuffed Sam won Culture Ambassador of the Year at the Culture Awards, it’s such wonderful recognition for all her hard work. She’s been ahead of the game in terms of rolling out an informative, inclusive and innovative program in our business that’s highly regarded by our peers in the sector. The feedback she gets both externally and internally is always excellent and she works hard to help drive DEI initiatives forward in work and in personal time. We’re lucky to have her and will enjoy seeing her fly the Culture Ambassador flag for the next year and beyond. Michelle Vint
We’re incredibly honoured to have been awarded the Best Workplace Health & Wellbeing Awareness Initiative for the second consecutive year. This recognition underscores our unwavering dedication to creating a workplace environment where each team member can thrive both personally and professionally. Jen Wlodyka
Being recognised for our commitment to nurturing an authentically supportive remote company culture has been a wonderful moment of reflection for us as a team, and for us as founders. Applying for the Company Culture Awards provided a unique opportunity to reflect on our practice as a small business, and be recognised for our commitment to growing a happy, healthy, and fulfilled international team. Abb-d Taiyo
We recognize the importance of building a workplace that puts its employees first, positively impacts the communities it works with and advocates for meaningful change. That’s why we couldn’t be more proud to have been shortlisted for ESG Program of the Year at the UK Company Culture Awards.
It’s amazing to think we’re back at the culture awards and we are so excited to be shortlisted in new categories. The culture awards are so important to our team at Skyrise as we really love and believe in the culture we’ve created. It’s what makes us different to other companies so to be shortlisted is a huge team achievement. Sam Sharwin
It is an absolute honour to be shortlisted for the ‘Best Cultural Transformation Initiative’ Award at the 2024 UK Company Culture Awards. This recognition reflects our team’s commitment to cultivating a best-in-class workplace. Mark Brown
Award Ceremony Countdown
Days 00
Hours 00
Mins 00
Secs 00